Because your Qube card has a default zero balance, you have to authorize your spending purchases before you make them. This helps you spend with intention and also significantly decreases fraud, since your card will be declined if a purchase is attempted without your authorization.
There are a few ways open a spending Qube. Here are two of the easiest:
- Open your Qube app and go to the Spending Screen , then tap on the amount of money listed next to the qube you want to spend from. This automatically opens your qube.
- Instead of tapping directly on the amount of money in the qube, you can also tap on the qube name, tap the spend icon , and select Open Qube.
In the picture above, the physical card would now have an available balance of $140.23, and the next transaction would come out of the Restaurants qube.
Tap on the shopping bag with "1" inside it to change Qube Close Settings. By default, a qube will close after 30 minutes or the next purchase, whichever comes first. Other qube close options include 2 hours, 1 day, 1 week, and 1 year.
Please note: If you have Qubeless turned on for debit card transactions, leaving a Qube open for an extended period of time will cause the transaction to go to your open qube, not to Qubeless. So, if you leave a qube open for one week, month or year, all of your purchases during your scheduled Qube Close window will come from that qube, they will never come from Qubeless. If you'd prefer them to come from Qubeless, shorten your Qube close settings.