No, each qube you create is not a separate account. When you sign up for an account with Qube, you will only have one bank account and one bank account number. You then create “qubes” which allow you to divide up your money into "sections" (or "envelopes"), within that account.
When you deposit money into Qube, your money will arrive in your Qube Cloud. From there, you can transfer your money instantly into your qubes in order to spend.
Joint accounts (and Family accounts, when available) include one bank account and one bank account number, with separate debit cards in each user’s name. Each user's debit card number will be different, but the linked checking account and checking account number is the same, similar to having a joint account at any other bank.
*With our virtual bill qubes feature, you have a different "Virtual Card" Number and Account Number for that specific qube alone. This is still not a separate account, but rather a specifically generated card and account number unique to that Bill qube. For more details on this, please see our Bill Qube Overview.