Qube now allows custom budget periods (or budgeting cycle). A budget period refers to the duration that you typically plan for. A common budget period is monthly. This means the "budget" amount you set on your qubes is intended for a calendar month. E.g. someone who is on a monthly budget cycle and sets a $500 budget for their Grocery qube intends to allocate $500 to Grocery qube every month.
Changing the period duration can help people who want to align their budget period to paychecks or want to plan in smaller increments such as Every Week or Every 2 Weeks.
Note: this change will apply to your entire account. It is not specific to a qube.
What will change if I change my budget period?
- The Planning Screen (on the web) will switch to showing the new budget periods. For instance, if you change from Monthly to Weekly, your plan and all budget amounts should now be for a week.
- Auto-allocation (if enabled) will run on Day 1 of every new budgeting cycle. A weekly budgeting cycle will mean weekly allocations.
- Any metrics that use budget period will reset every new budgeting cycle. Some examples are "Spent this period" for Spend qubes and "Allocated this period" for all qubes.
- The budgeting report that is generated will conform to the new budgeting cycle. (Account statements will remain as Monthly.)
How do I change my budget period?
From the Mobile App
- Go to Profile Screen > Global Settings and tap on Budget Period
- Select one of the preset budget periods or choose a Custom one.
- You will see a confirmation dialog that shows you when your next budgeting cycle will start. Tap Ok.
- You're all set! You can go to Unallocated Funds > Info tab to confirm that new budget periods have been created.
From the Web App
- Log in and go to the Planning tab (https://dashboard.qubemoney.com/planning).
- Click on the Settings gear icon to choose a different budget period.
- Select one of the preset budget periods or choose a Custom one.
- You will see a confirmation dialog that shows you when your next budgeting cycle will start. Click Ok.
- You're all set! You can go to Unallocated Funds > Info tab to confirm that new budget periods have been created.