Whenever you make a deposit into Qube, all money first goes to Unallocated Funds. From there, you may allocate the money to your qubes in bulk using the Allocation Screen, or use the Internal Transfer option to move money from Unallocated Funds to a qube. Internal Transfer can also be used to move money between qubes.
Using Internal Transfer to move money between qubes
1. From any of the first four screens in your Qube Money App, tap the Move Money icon on the top right and choose Internal Transfer from the menu.
2. Select the From qube in your list of qubes. This can also be from your Cloud.
3. Tap Select a Qube in the To field and choose the qube where you want the money to go.
4. Enter the amount you'd like to move into the Amount field.
5. Next, in the Date field, you can choose for the transfer to occur on a future date if you like, or you can leave it as the current date for an immediate transfer.
6. In the Repeat field, select your transfer frequency. It defaults to a one-time transfer, but you can also schedule a recurring transfer of your chosen frequency here.
7. Enter a Note to yourself if you'd like to remember what the transfer was for, and tap Continue.
8. Review the details of your internal transfer, then tap Submit to move your money.
Once your qubes are funded (have money in them) you're all set to spend from those qubes. Nice work!