Qube Money Roadmap



  • Benjamin Miller

    Are there any loose timelines associated with these? Like Next is 3-6 months out and future is 6-12 months or something like that.

    The "Future" plans look great! I'd love to see those even before the "Next" group.

  • Paul M Edwards

    Great stuff, thank you for your hard work and for communicating well with us.

  • Michealrafter

    Thank you for this info, super helpful.

    I look forward to a Qube widget for iOS… I was thinking about that, and ability to create shortcuts related to Qube functions.

  • Anthony Seale

    This is great! Can't give us too much information, so please keep us updated. A post per sprint would be great to let us know what's in that sprint and what the estimated roll out will be. Gotta love agile development!

    I'm extremely glad to see the engagement Kaylee Lake! Thank you!

  • Anthony Seale

    If you edit the roadmap, could you mark what you edited to show what was added/removed?

  • Nicholas Newport

    I'm glad to see that there is a visual roadmap of the plans that Qube has. I do wish there was some form of actual timeline with an expect time rather than just "Next" or "Future". I do have a suggestion for the far future though, I would really like the ability to add physical cash to the bank account like how some cards from other banks let you go to stores like Walmart to add cash to them. I feel like this would add more to the banking experience with Qube. Definitely looking forward to seeing the future of Qube.

  • Sam Carella

    Will there be another update to this roadmap soon? Competitors are rolling out new attractive features many of which have been asked for here or are on the roadmap but without an update or ETA it's hard to justify sticking around.

  • Michealrafter

    Sam Carella It would be nice to have an update. I'm curious though what features do you mean other "competitors" have? And, I'd say Qube really doesn't have competitors, since there aren't any other digital enveloped systems like Qube out there, I've looked, and use to be with Simple and One, and now Qube is only company with such a system.

  • Rob Mendez

    Actually, Zeta is one such competitor. But honestly, since they don't charge for their service, I'm reminded about Simple and One, as well as their eventually demise. I'd rather stick with Qube rather than jump to a newcomer who may or may not last in the long run.


  • Paul M Edwards

    Envel is another competitor offering envelopes functionality. They were one of the finalists in my evaluation of where to go after Simple shut down. I decided to use Qube instead and have been quite content with my choice.

  • Qube Support

    Sam Carella,

    I have updated the roadmap post with our plans and added a timeline indication. Hope that's helpful.

    CPO - Qube Money

  • Joshua

    Awesome update! So glad to see more transparency!

    Would also love to see on auto funding be able to fund different qubes per paycheck. And define pay frequency. Would be awesome!

  • Paul M Edwards

    I agree with "me" above. Nice update with numerous enhancements I'm very much looking forward to.

    Thank you to Sarib and the entire Qube Money software development team!

  • Patrick Connelly

    Thanks for the update.  Love the direction you are taking.

  • Sam Carella

    Thanks for posting the update! Much appreciated. I'm most excited about the features listed in the future section with unknown timeline. 

  • Aaron Rodriguez

    Thanks for the update, the feedback feature will be nice to have.  I have a few things that I would like to suggest looking into like rewards for keeping money in qube (goals) or making it easier to move money around.

  • Benjamin Sycamore

    Can someone update this roadmap?  It looks like last update was May 1, 2023.

  • Kaylee Lake

    Benjamin Sycamore I just updated it! :) 

  • Benjamin Sycamore

    Thanks! Can you elaborate or what Qube church and benefits are?

  • Kaylee Lake

    Yes! You can see the landing pages under our products on qubemoney.com.



  • Christopher

    It would be great to be able to toggle on an automatic sweep of unused funds from a qube to a specific location.  For example, if I have a personal spending qube and it has a budget of $100 per month but I only spend $50, be able to sweep that remaining amount to a savings goal qube or back to the cloud.

  • Christopher

    It would also be great to have a feature to put a setting on a qube to require both account owners to approve a transfer out of that qube.

  • Christopher

    Support for Passkey authentication would increase security and protect against any kind of phishing and SIM swap attacks

  • Paul M Edwards

    Please update the roadmap when you get a chance.

  • Michael Patrick Walton

    I didn't realize you'd been posting this. Thanks for keeping us updated!

  • Paul M Edwards

    Q1 2024 has concluded and Plaid still says QubeMoney is not supported when I try to link my account within another financial service app. Disappointing.

  • qxuqsdgs

    Hi Qube Team! Any updates on the Plaid integration?


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